Diabetes Management

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which our body's blood glucose increases significantly more than usual, this happens when one of our organ called pancreas which secretes insulin (a hormone which controls our body's blood glucose) becomes unable to produce enough hormone, This stage is called as a diabetic.

Insulin is a hormone that keeps the blood glucose balanced in our body.

Insulin keeps the measurements of our blood glucose down. Low doses of insulin make a person with diabetes a victim of hyperglycemia (a stage of the diabetic patient where an excess of glucose in the bloodstream can't be controlled).

Diabetes is an old infectious disease Once that happens, it can be controlled with medicines But this disease cannot be completely eliminated.

There are several types of diabetes such as: -

  • Type 1 Diabetes:
    In this, the organ named Pancreas does not produce insulin hormones.This type of diabetes is called first juvenile Diabetes or insulin's dependent diabetes.
Diabetes Management
Diabetes Management
  • Type 2 diabetes:
    Type 2 diabetes will be able to say insulin resistance because the cells are not well able to use insulin. It is not particularly considered dependent on insulin.
  • Prediabetes:
    Prediabetes is considered as an indicative form before being diabetic.It may change the way you change your eating habits, such as eating unbalanced food, excessive exercise as well as body unevenness, etc. due to the amount of glucose in the blood is called prediabetes.

Treatment of Diabetes:

However, the treatment of this disease is avoided but still, I have some medicines and suggestions, writing down below to end this disease.

  1. Always walk 1 kilometer in the morning with an empty stomach
    The main reasons for diabetes are the bad habits of our food, And our non-responsibilities towards health are to be considered.

    Eating unbalanced food or most tasty food, which is the main part of our lifestyle today, is very fatal for our health andWith this, where many diseases occur, they make our body lazy.

    While unbalanced food spoils our digestive tract there, they open an inexplicable invasive disease such as diabetes because the diabetes is directly related to our digestive tract.

    Everyday walking takes our digestive tract right andOur body provides strength and a daily walk is very important for patients with diabetes.

  2. Eating nutritious foods:
    Nutritious food such as lentils, green vegetables, fresh fruits, juice rich in quantity, adding to your diet enhances the energy transfusion in the body and makes the body stronger

  3. Make 12 Minutes Yoga Every Day:
    For a working person, though, this is the most apocalyptic, Even if not daily for 12 minutes every day If you give two minutes to yoga then it will be the best thing.

    Yoga improves blood circulation in our bodies which provides energy to every organ of the body and helps in our well-being.

Medicines for Diabetes

Among the medicines, if you ask me, homeopathic medicines are the most effective and helpful. But allopathic medicines are still necessary to treat this disease. one of the medicine is:-


Metformin is a drug that increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin and reduces the amount of glucose. A metformin name drug is very effective for Type 2 diabetes, in the rarest research.

it has been commonly seen in many people affected to type 2 diabetes that Those who used another drug instead of metformin, had to take insulin to control their blood sugar.

Today Metformin is the first choice for type 2 diabetes and it is a very effective medicine to suppress appetite, so it benefits people who are suffering from obesity.

This drug can be given with insulin or other medicines, However, this drug does not have any side effects with other medicines but sometimes symptoms like headache or nausea are found in patients.


There is another drug in this category that is very useful for patients with type 2 diabetes, this drug is very helpful in maintaining the organ called pancreas which secretes the level of insulin hormones and contributes to making the body powerful and stronger.

This drug should be taken only once a day before the meals with other diabetic drugs such as metformin. Sulfonylureas Drug increases the amount of insulin in the pancreas as well as condensing proteins to combine the cells that help to limit the amount of glucose in patients.

Like sulfonylureas, another drug known as prandial glucose regulators comes in this category, Sulfonylureas helps in increasing the amount of insulin in the cells.

Sulfonylureas are beneficial for patients who have type 2 diabetes as well as their blood glucose levels are found to be significantly higher than usual.

Sulfonylureas are not beneficial for patients whose obesity is high in excess.

At the same time, this drug has some potential for itching in some patients, if this is the case, then you can consult with a medical attorney and choose another option.


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