[Best] Good Friday Wishes for the year 2019

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[Best] Good Friday Wishes for the year 2019

Good Friday

Good Friday is the biggest festival of the Christian faith, which is celebrated in the remembrance of Jesus Christ because on this day the Jews had been hanged on a stake by hanging Jesus Christ on a Friday.

When Jesus was being tortured while being crucified, he was still saying "should God bless these naive people because they do not know what they are doing".

Often it has been noticed that when the reflection of our society starts to fade due to some harassment, some revolutionary people are encouraged by God's inspiration to burn their enlightenment on this earth to awaken the sleeping society.

Even Jesus Christ wanted to revive society with such a revolutionary ideology, if our society and religion contractors started to loot people, then God sends his beloved ones to a new revolution on this earth.

On the day of Good Friday, followers of Christian faith pray to the church and remember Jesus and try to bring their sacrifices and teachings into their lives.

In the first month of Good Friday, people of Christian faith awakened their homes in prayer and fasting, and they try to follow the path shown by Lord.

During that time people eat vegan food and people are doing social service They also perform tasks in memory of the Lord Jesus.

It is believed that after three days of taking Jesus to the cross, he was already alive, and with this joy, the Christians celebrate this festival with Easter Sunday.

Christian people believe that Lord Jesus sacrificed his life for the welfare of mankind and for the protection of people. Like every year, people will celebrate this year with Good Friday and remember the teachings of Lord Jesus. Will try This year, Good Friday is being celebrated on Friday, April 19th

Why Jesus hangs by Fanatics

The people of Christian faith recognize Jesus as the incarnation of God and they come to know God.

Prior to Christianity, the Jewish extremist in Israel was the dominant supremacist of the god of religion; these fanatics began to be described as close to God, and the naive people would be instructed to obey their words as God's voice and follow them.

If someone did not believe in what they had imposed, then these fanatical people would have ordered them to kill those people who haven't obey the rules of the society so that he could not try to oppose them.

During this time Jesus Christ, who was a human being, opposed the fanatics so that the Rabbi people turned against Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ wanted to remove the innocent people out of the net of these radicals so that they could get rid of people's misery from society.

In the history of Christianity, the fanatics ordered that a woman should be stoned to death because she had illegal sexual intercourse with another man.

Jesus Christ called this Rabbani decree against humanity so that he came to the target of the extremists and the people of faith began to believe in Jesus Christ as the cause of evil in the society.

The Rabbis began to the thought that their religion at risk and the extremists declared Jesus Christ to be anti-social, and tortured him to death.

When Jesus Christ was being tortured, he was saying "God forgive these people because these people do not know what they are doing".

Jesus Christ was condemned to death with gratitude and people began to celebrate Good Friday on this day, Christians on this day remember the sacrifices of Jesus Christ and follow the path shown by him.

Good Friday And Easter Connection

When Jesus Christ was tortured to death, on the third day Christ alive again. Although it is believed by all the Christian people, hence the Sunday day after Good Friday is called Easter Friday

Easter is very important in the Christian community, on this day the Christian community gives white clothes to each other so that they maintain peace in the belief that white color is considered to be a symbol of peace and coolness.

People decorate their houses in this wonderful and beautiful style on this day.

How do people celebrate Easter Sunday and the Good Friday

Christians start praying in their homes and offices 1 month before Good Friday. Throughout the month of Good Friday, Christians take part in religious activities and remember the Lord Jesus Christ and keep on fasting following their teachings.

This fasting is always a vegan diet, People go to church every month on this day and remember religious history in memory of Jesus Christ, during this time some social work is also done by many people.

At the same time, the Christian people remember the seven utterances of the Issue Christ who connect them with the common people and inspire people to follow on the path of humanity.

These Seven Word abides on charity, renunciation, worship, help, forgiveness, follow and always on the path of truth. Christians congratulate each other on Easter Sunday after the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and celebrate the celebration and celebration


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